The Oculus Quest – A Mobile Powerhouse for VR Training
Breean: This is 360 Immersive! Today we have a really exciting discussion, because we’re going to talk about the Oculus Quest and where things are going to go from here. So, David, what is the Oculus Quest going to be able to do for us that the Go and Rift can’t?
David: Well, first let me tell you a little bit about headsets in general. So, if you think about the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive, they’re tethered, they’ve got wires and you have to have PCs to drive them. And what was your other option? Well, in the old days, being a year ago, you could take your phone and you could put it in a cardboard headset, and those were your options. And then the Oculus Go came out. So the Oculus Go, especially for the classroom when it comes to VR safety training, is an amazing device because it’s all in one, and it’s literally optimized for virtual reality training. But what it doesn’t do that the tethered units do, is it doesn’t have a sense of the environment. You can’t really move around in it. It’s essentially like a phone-based system, without the phone. It’s a great piece of hardware, and we’ll be using the Go for many months to come. But the Oculus Quest is something like the Go in form, but it has sensors built into it that gives you what’s called room sense.
So, you have that six degrees of freedom, meaning that you can move around. If it’s ergonomics you can bend down and simulate lifting up something up, keeping your back straight, or you can simulate slips, trips, or falls. It understands where you are in that environment and so it’s going be revolutionary because we don’t have all the cords and wires coming out of your head.
Breean: So, you’ll be able to ‘Go better’ with the Quest?
David: Exactly that.
Breean: David, thank you so much for giving us an update on what we may be able to expect with the Quest, and kind of ‘tying it’ together. If you have any questions or have any comments, feel free to let us know! Follow us if you want to learn more about VR training technology in the future.
End of Presentation