Breean: Hello, this is Breean. And this is David with 360 Immersive. Join us when you want to learn more about virtual reality training technology and what’s newest.
So David, today I would like to talk to you a little bit about quality assurance. How do we as a company go about consistently providing a consistent experience for our customer?
You know, that’s a great phrase – consistently providing a consistent experience. And truthfully, it starts from the inception of the project all the way through the final completion, delivery, and even client or customer support after.
But if you go back and you’re looking for some details, we have a very stringent beta and alpha test program. We walk through the aspects of testing and looking at a particular project, especially the nuances. How does it look in a goggle? How does it look for, perhaps if it’s an AR project, how does it look not only in our development area, but how does it look in a client circumstance?
All of these things give us that level of quality that our customers not only expect – but I’ll put it there – they demand. And so, when you’re looking at quality assurance, it’s literally just a process. But it is a proper process based on the demands of the project. It could be at base. It could be training modules. It could be an AR project. It could be perhaps just a 3D simulation that we’re really looking about animation, we’re looking at texture, we’re looking at lighting. All of these things come back to quality and that assurance that we make to our clients.
Breean: Consistently providing a consistent experience.
David: That’s right.
Breean: Well, if you want to learn more about what you can expect working with us towards your safety training goals, follow us, give us a call, give us an email. We would love to start a conversation with you. This has been 360 Immersive.