Breean: Hello, this is Breean; and this David with 360 Immersive. Join us when you want to learn more about how we’re using virtual reality to transform the way you train and educate. Today we’re gonna talk about one of our service offerings, which is Live 360 Video. Now, David, what is Live 360 Video, and how are we using it?
David: Well, we started with 360 Video; five years ago, it was a labor-intensive process: you took a mount, and you took a number of GoPro cameras, and you literally felt like you were duct taping them, and epoxying them, and in one mount we had there were 16 cameras around. And then, it was hugely labor-intensive because you had to take all those video streams, bring it back into the production area, and stich them together. But it was so cool because you had a virtual reality experience that we’d never experienced before.
So, you fast forward: today VR cameras are simple to use, in fact, if you can use your cell phone and take a video of your kid’s birthday party, you can create virtual reality training using Live 360 Video. In fact, we teach organizations in our Do-It-Together program how to do just that. We still do the technology heavy-lifting and integrating into the platform, and doing processing, but they can actually create their own training content using Immersive technology.
So, when you think about what are some examples? Well, we do a motorcycle training course right now in Live 360 Video; we teach compliance and soft skills, even active shooters, some of the things that are very important to organizations today, and the difference is that you put somebody right in the middle of those processes and procedures using Live 360 Video. So, the fundamental advantage is it’s very cost-effective, it’s your own people, your own processes, your own procedures, your own tactics even, and it’s fairly easy to do and create that content.
Breean: So, it sounds to me like it’s the next-best-thing to actually being there.
David: Exactly.
Breean: If you could capture your best training and recreate that over, and over, and over again, this would be a cost-effective way to do that.
David: That’s right.
Breean: If you wanna learn more about this service offering, or any of our other service offerings, we encourage you to check-out our website, get in touch with us, and make sure you come back and check-out more of our videos.
This has been 360 Immersive, thank you.