In 2019, we’re going to be launching an exciting new program that takes the do-it-yourself idea, but adds a ‘together’ component to make sure that you’re successful. What does that mean for your training when we talk about doing it together?
Well, if you think about organizations large and small, they’re looking for a methodology or way to create VR content for their training, for their L&D managers, for essentially to increase retention within their training organization. And yet, traditionally that’s been an expensive process, or it’s a process that required a lot of skill and a lot of learning and technological innovation. But today, if you can grab a selfie or capture your kid’s birthday party, you can capture a 360 live experience. And then, what do you do with that? Well, that’s where the do-it-together process comes in. We help you, once you capture those life experiences that you want to use in your training program, and then we process them and we integrate them into a custom app that you can use in your classroom.
So, then really anybody becomes an expert in their field, and in any industry, you’re able to create that content that then you can use in training.
And we will have a significant support system that actually will step you through how to use the camera, how to set up a tripod, how to set up maybe a vehicle mount, or anything that you may need to suit your custom application. Maybe you’re doing some emergency vehicle scenarios, and each one of those tutorials will take you through the process to make sure that you’re successful and that ultimately your learners are successful.
So, you’re not going to get shipped a bunch of equipment that you don’t know how to use and then be trying to figure that out, because we all have the experience of trying a new program or new technology and then not knowing how to implement it. So there’s a lot of support on the backend to make sure people feel comfortable being able to use this technology.
What it comes down to, is if you feel comfortable and grabbing your cell phone and shooting a video, you’re gonna do well within this program.
If you want to know more, shoot us a question or reach out, we would love to start a conversation!