EdTech Made Easy | Off-The-Shelf eLearning
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David Cleverdon (Co-founder & CTO 360immersive):
– Your organization is in the EdTech industry. You know that to maintain or even to gain market share, you have to continually offer your clients the best content, the best user experience, and to be relevant in today’s technology-driven world.
You also know that today’s traditional training content can be somewhat lackluster in nature. It can suffer from low engagement and ultimately may not have the highest retention potential that you’d like to see for your library content and the training industry as a whole. So what to do?
Immersive technology can be the answer.
The addition of micro-learning simulations to traditional course content can create a circumstance that is highly interactive, it’s fun, and most importantly, creates a learning environment that is not only engaging but ultimately leads to higher retention rates.
Offering microlearning experiences that are immersive or VR in nature also have the distinct advantage in being an additional revenue generator, increasing profitability, and giving your organization a technological forward-facing appearance to existing and to new clients coming into the fold.
360immersive is a VR software company. But not just any VR company, we are storytellers.
We create training experiences that support instructor and virtual instructor-led training curriculum, training aggregators, and, most importantly, e-learning platforms, looking to enhance their existing content libraries.
We specialize in developing simulations that, on average, run about two to five minutes in length. Likewise, we have the ability to compile longer experiences or even full-length courses when we are paired and supported with subject matter experts on a given course or learning objective. We produce supplemental simulation modules that are 2D or 3D in nature. Immersive Visual Aids that create interactive environments, which are great tools for live presenters.
Self-Guided Modules that are perfect for organizations that are not quite ready for VR. And of course, full VR modules that utilize VR computer simulation, interactive 360 video or a hybrid of the two technologies which can sometimes be the best of both worlds.
At the end of the day, we are a group of talented individuals with diverse skillsets that produce insightful, engaging, and exciting supplemental curriculum in an industry that we are thrilled to be part of.
Let’s take a moment and look at each one of our service offerings and how they can benefit your organization. Let’s start with computer-based production.
360immersive has produced 2D and 3D computer-based animation and simulation projects for over 20 years. These projects can range from marketing to training-related content, supporting various industries from agriculture to oil and gas, and those in between. These types of simulations are not as immersive in nature, yet they still hold tremendous value in engaging the viewer with a high degree of interactivity and the ability to present the learning objectives.
Next, we have our affordable Train360 suite of three off-the-shelf product offerings that can be easily added as supplemental learning modules to traditional e-learning or instructor-led courses. To better explain these off-the-shelf product types, let me take you from the simplest to the most comprehensive, starting with the Interactive Visual Aids.
Train360’s Interactive Visual Aids are immersive interactive environments that live, or virtual presenters can use to explore and supplement existing training. These training tools can be dropped into any PowerPoint presentation, or webpage depending on the need, and create an environment that a live presenter can portray learning objectives and discussion points far better than the traditional method of using still images or perhaps YouTube video clips.
These types of immersive visual aids are especially conducive for visualization, hazard ID, and situational awareness. More importantly, these training aids are customizable, highly interactive without the use of a VR headset, and can be upgraded to our next product offering, Self-Guided Modules.
Self-Guided Modules are immersive simulations that are designed for online self-paced courses. They include learning objectives and are constructed to promote self-exploration and more complex reasoning development. These simulations blend visual, logical, and physical interactivity into a more robust learning environment than the Interactive Visual Aids.
Like the Interactive Visual Aids, these exercises can be embedded into PowerPoint, webpages, and also feature LMS, LXP, and Safety Management platform integration. And they do not require any additional hardware beyond the PC sitting in an organization’s training room.
These web browser-based simulations are fully upgradeable to our higher degree of interactive, reality-based feature sets, which is our next product offering, Immersive VR Simulations.
Immersive VR Simulations include all of the benefits of the previous two product categories, but also offer the highest degree of engagement and retention due to the complete immersive nature of the presentation. These experiences can be displayed on a wide variety of VR hardware ranging from phone-based VR units to standalone mobile devices, and finally, to full-fledged tethered VR headsets. They offer the highest degree of immersion and engagement, and of course, are fully compatible with SCORM 1.2 and xAPI course content.
Now let’s discuss the other type of VR training that we produce, Interactive 360 video. VR training content can benefit from Interactive 360 video production, where the learning objectives showcase soft skills and compliance issues versus computer-based simulation that can portray situations in the workplace that involve consequences or hazardous conditions that frankly can’t be easily demonstrated in the real world.
Interactive 360 video modules can best demonstrate topics such as workplace bullying, working as a team, safety orientation for new employees, sexual harassment, conflict resolution, and de-escalation, and what to do in the case of an emergency. These are just some of the examples of training topics that Interactive 360 video works especially well with. In fact, if the topic or the learning objective being discussed works best with real people, showing real emotions, performing specific procedures or practices, then Interactive 360 video is absolutely the tool of choice.
While there are many options available to support the development of e-learning courseware, we also know that today’s adult learners are looking for something different, something fresh, something fun, and engaging. Through the collaboration with industry leaders, we are committed to supporting your organization across various industries in creating workforce development content and supporting you through the intricacies of a brand new, but very exciting technology.
We look forward to continuing the conversation regarding collaboration between our two organizations.
– If you’re an organization that is interested in exploring the use case for virtual reality technology in training and education, we’d love an opportunity to connect, please click here so that we can get a 30-minute call scheduled. Thank you.